The Kurkure Party

The Kurkure Party

No no, kurkure was not the only thing we had to eat, on the contrary it was not there in the list of food served. But I like to call it a kurkure party because of its tagline- theda hai par mera hai. Yes I am a special super mother of a 10yrs old child with labels that has been given to his conditions but for me the labels don’t matter, what matters is that he is my child.

Whenever the situation gets a little hard to handle, I remember kurkure and things brighten up just like the bright orange packet. Well my son turned 10yrs this July- it was his first double digit birthday and I am sure I won’t be there for his 100th birthday so thought of celebrating it with his friends.

Celebrating a birthday is a ‘but natural’ thing for parents but for most of the kurkure parents, it’s something that might be over stretching with the kurkure child not enjoying much. But that’s a myth, atleast for me it was a myth. I had to stretch a little and the child enjoyed so much that it was all worth it.

Let’s talk about the party now- 20 kurkure children were invited and only 5 turned up but what a party!! The 13yrs old kurkure boy who turned up right on time took the role of the leader throughout the party. Although with difficulty in speech he asked about the arrival time of his school teachers.  He was the big brother for the rest of the party. He made sure no one was left out and at one point got up from his seat and went to the birthday boy who was sitting a little far off looking a bit disassociated with the whole party. The leader ushered the birthday boy back to the main party action. These are special moments for us when we see the bond that has been created without much words. Later I came to know that it was the first party he had been invited to. For me every party I do- his would be the first name on the guest list.

The second shy kurkure child to come was one with a mesmerising smile but the shyness went away at the ice cream corner and all communications happened without any problem- who requires words? I know I want a strawberry ice cream that looks pink and strawberry syrup would be acceptable too. He had it once and asked his mom for one more showing her a small portion with his little fingers. He has immense negotiation skills again without words. After approval he happily goes and gets his second plate that was supposed to be ‘little’ but was much bigger than the little he had shown. Negotiation skills plus pushing the limit skills. When he saw his mother getting ready to leave, the scoop quantity became smaller- he wanted to relish every drop of it. Knew how to increase his happiness. Priceless.

Now about the third kurkure child who came with his sister- well he was an actor par excellence and an attention seeker who is in love with this father. He would look for his father all around and only sit when he was told that we are going to call one of his teachers from school. He would then communicate that the teacher is not required to be present as he is just fine. He would then give that priceless smile that could win a thousand hearts.

The fourth kurkure was the oldest and the big brother of them all. He is a stunner with athletic body- a good swimmer and one with words. While attending he had already completed planning for his birthday party coming up in December. I wish I could make him sit with the other children to see the bond come along a little better. My bad luck. But next time he would be held responsible for all his little friends.

The fifth child was the birthday boy who knew is the hero of the party. Till now we had never seen him accept gifts from anyone whatever the occasion be but this time he accepted every gift. He was so happy that even in his sleep he was smiling. I was kissed so often for the good times he had with his friends.

All the kids had separate plates but with so much of their favourite food around they were all over each- others plates. Some were using both their hands too but none of them complaining about anyone. It was such a treat to watch the children sharing their food- no one uttered  ‘its mine’ ‘don’t touch’ ‘look mom’- it was such a peaceful table with all the action happening at the same time. None of the children were bothered about the brand they were wearing or what was inside the gifts or what was the return gift. They were so happy to see their teachers join in the party. The bond they have with their teachers was a treat to watch.

Some say kurkure children are here to show us the meaning of ‘unconditional love ‘and I totally agree to it as all I could see was love without any conditions. Live and Let Live is what they are shared on that day.

God bless all of them so that they are able to share their love more.

To all the kurkure parents- let’s give them opportunities to show what they have come here to show. They are not Pringle chips like us- they are kurkure- each is different. Let’s not try to make kurkure into Pringle but enjoy the kurkure.


  1. So excellent to read about Kurkure party with different kind of Kurkure participating with full energy and zeal. Your narrative about every one and the event made virtually me part of it. Superb. God bless all the Kurkures.๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡.

  2. I love the way the labels changed in this article. These Kurkure kids are the loveliest of them all.

  3. It's as beautiful as these little ones must be.. Such a heartwarming one :)

  4. Very well written. Each ‘Kurkure’ came alive as I read about them. I’m glad you found the time to observe and enjoy each child inspite of the hectic time you may have had arranging. Looks like the party has been a great hit. God bless.

    1. I have become wiser now. The hotel had good sensitised people who understand our children and we had the entire place for ourselves. Had only finger food so no dripping and tissues required. so all I had to do was enjoy with the children. All the rest of the things were taken care of.

  5. Wonderfully articulated :) Love the 'Kurkure' parents bit :)
    So glad the birthday boy and the rest of the Kurkure kids had so much fun!
    Loads of love and blessings to him :)

  6. Lovely Rohini.....very vivid description of all kurkures and I could very well imagine how wonderful the party was ....and not to mention u are a very good writer.simply delighted๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ


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